Thursday, September 15, 2011

Testimonial 4 - to Yehuda Mintz

From a rabbi, Jewish educator director of a Jewish organization.  Father of 5 children.

Hi Rabbi Mintz,

I wanted to thank you for the incredible help today. When you graciously share the details of your own story, I am moved for the following reason. When one is able to reflect upon the seemingly bleak, almost hopeless circumstances and then articulate the incredible details of how Hashem harnessed all of these cosmic forces to extricate you from your dark place, it is for me both humbling and inspiring.

As I said to you today, after listening to your own story, I am then able to reflect with a little more clarity on my own situation. How much of heaven and earth had and has been moved on my and my families behalf to overcome my own seemingly insurmountable obstacles?

Then I realize that by choosing to anesthetize myself, I am ungratefully turning my back on all these life altering acts of chesed that I have received. the height of ingratitude.

My challenge is to continously embrace these ongoing loving acts of intervention, not numb myself to them. Easier said then done, but a start.

I am most grateful for your sincere concern for me. This loving concern emanates from the soul which is why you were able to transcend space and time to be there for me today at the exact moment I needed help.

When I saw your text message come in my first thought was to ignore it until after I anesthetized myself. However, I realized I had to do my part and the very least, call you back; it was not easy to do as you will see.

Even while speaking to you on the phone today, I was still heading to my original destination. I had made up my mind. Just before your message came, I had written the directions and address on a business card with the exact location.  I could not find it. I looked all over: the front seat, my wallet. I could not find it, but,  nonetheless, continued speaking to you while I decided to drive away from the area and head back home.

When I got home and got out of my car, the business card with the address written on the back fell right off my lap onto the ground. It was right in front of me the entire time.

Did your friend Malach Gavriel have his right hand over my eyes while I searched in vain? I don't know. I would like to think a Malach has more important things to do that to keep me out of trouble.

Or, perhaps you, Rabbi Mintz, had your hands over my eyes.

Thank you again.

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