Thursday, September 15, 2011

Testimonial 2- to Rabbi Yehuda Mintz

From a client who is a rabbi, and head of a Kiruv (Jewish outreach program). Father of 4 children.

Rabbi Yehuda Mintz saved my life and he doesn't even know my name!
I was a married middle aged Ben Torah working in Klei Kodesh seemingly living an idyllic Torah lifestyle. However I had a major challenge that plagued me day and night. Every two weeks or so I was attached by cravings to act out and no matter what I tried I could not fight these cravings.

I fought for 21 years! (from 16-37)
I begged 2 of my rabbaim in Yeshiva for help.
I reached out to 2 well known Torah leaders.
I tried smoking cigerettes to change my cravings to a "kosher" outlet.
I had a psychologist prescribe calming medications.
I bought a DVD player so I could watch Kosher movies to calm myself.
I made many nedarim and shevous.
Out of desperation I reached out to my wife for help.
Nothing worked...
Sure I had some good months and bad months, sometimes even going 2-4 months at a time with out acting out, however my  issue was always on my mind ready to pounce and it always won out no matter what I tried.

One day I saw an ad in Misphacha magazine that encouraged those with internet addictions to give him a call and see if he could help. Rabbi Mintz explained that what I had was an addiciton and he gave me the tools to overcome it.
This was a bout a year ago.
I feel as if I have awoken from a nightmare.
I can live life again.
I now have a real relationship with my wife, with my kids and with society.
Rabbi Mintz taught me how to have a real relationship with Hashem.
I'm sure that there are many yidden out there like I was who are caught in the vicious cycle of addiction. Please help Rabbi Mintz get the word out that there is a tried and true way to stop. That way is through a relationship with Hashem. Allow Rabbi Mintz to share with them the secret.

-From a very grateful sober husband, father, son and member of the Yeshiva world

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