This is new to me. I am far from computer savvy. Ironically, it is the computer that brought me into the world of addiction recovery. It is the computer that dramatically changed my life and it is the computer that introduced me to my present wife.
I was addicted to pornography on the computer. Addiction is a progressive disease. In fairly short order, I was "hooked", I was addicted. On one occasion, 8 thumbnail images appeared on my screen. Cuiously, I opened four of them. Unbeknownst to me of the content, they were images of children; child pornography. Stunned by what I saw, I immediatley deleted the four images and the four other thumbnails.
By the grace of God, just at that time, my computer froze. I was then Rabbi of a synagogue that I began serving 18 months earlier. I asked a member of the congregation who was savvy in computer technology to see if he could remedy the computer malfunction. He agreed, and waited until my day off so that he would not disturb me. He thought it might be a virus and thus went into the hardrive. He then discovered the pornography that I was viewing including the last 4 images of child pornography.
This was in the year 2000, when the issue of pedophilia within the Catholic Church was raging in the news media.
The elders of the congregation made the decision to turn the hardrive over to the FBI in order to protect the synagogue from any possible lawsuits.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation chose to prosecute me on the charge of possession of child pornography. Viewing images on one's computer, is in the eyes of the Federal government, considered "possession". The maximum penalty is a fine of $250,000.00 and five years imprisonment.
I immediately went into a program of 12 step recovery with SA, Sexaholics Anonymous. I attended a minimum of five meetings a week. 4 months later, I entered Keystone Sexual Recovery Facility in Pennsylvania.
As my case proceeded within the Federal court system, I moved to Los Angeles, California and was a resident of Beit T'Shuvah Recovery and Treatment Center for a period of 14 months.
I entered a plea of guilty and was sentenced to one year and one day in the Federal Penitentiary of Fort Dix, New Jersey.
Upon my release, I returned to the Beit T' Shuvah Recovery and Treatment Center and served on their Rabbinic staff.
In September of 2007, I started Recovery Through Torah. This is a counseling service for members of the Jewish community who are reluctant to join a 12 step community. All counseling is done anonymously by phone. Most of my waking hours are presently spent counseling/encouraging individuals with the teachings of 12 step recovery in addition to the teachings of Judaism.
My sobriety date, by the grace of God, is September 10th, 2000; "One day at a time". I have devoted my life to sharing the promise and hope of recovery to my sisters and brothers who are still out there suffering. The web site is
My ulterior motive in starting this blog is to share my truth and to respond to the many lies and distortions that are found under my name on the internet. In a sense, the letters and articles that will appear in this blog read almost as if they were my obituaries: Instead, they describe the life that I have been privileged to live thus far.
-Rabbi Juda/Yehuda Mintz