Thursday, October 6, 2011

Letter 5 to rabbi Juda Mintz

The following letter was written to Rabbi Juda/Yehuda Mintz from Mark, a Jewish inmate at the Fort Dix Penitentiary...


You are an inspiration to me. Watching the quiet way you keep services in task, while adding so much by introducing us to new songs and new styles of the traditional prayers. Bringing singing into the services is, in my eyes, your greatest gift to us. To hear the group singing with your voice carrying the tunes.

You are willing to help and teach anyone, anywhere. Without a doubt, the Sunday we arrived for a Hebrew lesson to find our usual room filled with Muslims cleaning up after a breakfast meeting. Within a few moments of our arrival, you changed a tense atmosphere into one of peace and brotherhood. Using a quiet and unassuming way, you got them talking and the line from the "Grace After Meals", "May the Merciful One create brotherhood between the children of Issac and the children of Ishmael."

Weeks later I am still being called brother by Muslims who were there that Sunday morning.

I will always cherish the memory of our time together. My thoughts will be filled with lessons from the Torah studied with you and watching the way you interact with people.

Hashem blessed me with your presence in my life.


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